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Latest posts from The Light College and Collective

Come and join us at our latest virtual open day on 26th July 2023 19:30-20:30

Go to https://www.lightcollege.ac.uk and click on Virtual Open Days to register interest on our contact form.

We're looking for more workers to join us in the harvest and train in Theology, Mission and Evangelism starting in September.

Please share this short film with your friends and groups!

Staff member Gaz sharing about his role at the Light College.
Gaz oversees the BA in theology, mission, and evangelism degree


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Facebook Posts

Join us this Saturday morning for an open event! 10.30-12, meet the team and find out from former students what they got out of studying with us too! It takes 2 minutes to register: lightcollege.ac.uk/2021/01/light-college-virtual-open-days/ ... See MoreSee Less
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Online Open Event. This Saturday 10.30-12. Join us to find out more about studying with The Light College. It takes 2 minutes to register to attend: lightcollege.ac.uk/2021/01/light-college-virtual-open-days/ ... See MoreSee Less
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Post Christendom and pre revival. ... See MoreSee Less
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Contact or study with us

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Study with us

The Light College is an official partner of The University of Chester and offers courses which allow people from a variety of backgrounds and ages to continue, or return to study by way of our Degree courses, Baptist ministerial training and a Professional Certificate in Pioneer Chaplaincy.

Join us

By becoming a member of The Light Collective, you would be joining a co-operative community of missioners, pioneers and evangelists who seek to enable and encourage one-another, sharing stories, ideas and resources, and gathering from time-to-time for worship, fellowship and teaching.

Support us

You may wish to support us through prayer and/or financial giving, perhaps by also becoming a ‘Friend’ of The Light College and Collective. Without such support and friendship we simply would not be able to do what we do.

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