The Light College Lecturer Biographies
All our lecturers are passionate about their faith and approved by the University of Chester, with a wide range of experience and practical knowledge.
They can be emailed via tutor.[forename]@lightcollege.ac.uk
Rev Chris Duffett
Chris has a wealth of experience in Chaplaincy, having served as Peterborough’s City Centre Chaplain for 10 years, and is currently one of the Bardsey Island Chaplains. Chris’ passion is in Theology, Culture and the Arts, and he also serves at Cliff College lecturing on Pioneering and Fresh Expressions and at Waverley Abbey College lecturing on Chaplaincy. Chris is a former president of the Baptist Union of Great Britain and an author of 4 books, his latest a novel on the life of his hero Philip the evangelist. He is an evangelist and artist, and the original founder of The Light Project.
Rev Glyn Jones
Glyn was the co-principal of The Light College, before recently taking up a Church planting role. Glyn lived for many years in France before returning to the UK to establish a college of evangelism. He holds a Masters in Applied Theology and is currently conducting doctoral research in how non-churched people find faith. Glyn describes himself as an ‘everyday evangelist and storyteller’. He has published a book of short stories and lectures in history and culture.
Rev Gareth (Gaz) Thomas
Gaz has undergraduate degrees in both Theology and Philosophy. He has spent some time as a secondary RE teacher and as a University Chaplain, and has had various roles with The Light College and Collective where he is currently a module tutor and personal academic tutor (PAT), and manages our online learning platform (Moodle). He has a particular interest in new monasticism, the thought of Thomas Merton, and the apostolic life of prayer and holistic mission. Gaz is an Anglican Minister and Third Order Franciscan, and enjoys the outdoors, travel, pilgrimage, reading, film and spending time with family and friends.
Ali Boston
Ali is the Vice Principal and a lecturer at The Light College. She has two married children. Her husband Andy is self-employed and they both work from home. Ali became a follower of Jesus at 14 years old after hearing God speaking clearly to her. She loves teaching and empowering students to be the best they can be, and to follow Jesus into what he has for them. Ali co-led a church plant for 15 years and has been an airport chaplain at EMA for nearly a decade, sharing the Good News in creative and pioneering ways. Ali enjoys swimming, collecting thimbles, Pilates and reading. She doesn’t like liver or hot curry.
Dr Karl Moller
Karl teaches Theological Approaches to Mission Strategy. Previously Vice-Principal of the All Saints Centre for Mission and Ministry, Principal of IME at Cumbria Christian Learning, and Senior Tutor at the Lancashire and Cumbria Theological Partnership, he has many years’ experience preparing people for lay and ordained ministries. Karl worked as Research Fellow at the University of Gloucestershire and Senior Lecturer at the University of Cumbria. Karl has taught widely in biblical studies, theology, spirituality, and Judaism, published many articles (mainly) on the Old Testament, and co-edited four books on biblical interpretation. He is the author of A Prophet in Debate (2003), Reading Amos as a Book (2014), The Song of Songs: Beautiful Bodies, Erotic Desire and Intoxicating Pleasure (2018) and Jonah’s Story, Our Challenge (2023).
Rev Jacky Bone
Originally a primary school teacher, Jacky studied at the London School of Theology and then St Mary’s University College, gaining a BA in Theology and an MA in Chaplaincy Studies. For 25 years she was part of the charismatic renewal movement leading and planting churches affiliated to the Pioneer network of churches. Following her theological training, Jacky spent 15 years as lead Chaplain for YMCAs in London, working with those in housing need, in gyms, sports facilities, community cafes, and in youth and children’s work. During this time she became an accredited Baptist Minister leading a local Baptist church alongside her Chaplaincy work. She now works as a pioneer minister and evangelist in Witney, Oxfordshire, in a Baptist-Anglican partnership, reaching out to a new housing estate.
Rev Dr Robert Beamish
Rob lives with his wife and children in North Wales where he is the minister of Prince’s Drive Baptist Church, a community-minded charismatic evangelical church, and chaplain at Rydal Penrhos school. Having studied at Oxford, Winchester and Manchester universities, and earning a doctorate in Theology & Ministry from King’s College London, Rob has academic interests which now major on preaching and practical theology. Rob has found it a great joy being part of the Light College, teaching evangelistic communication on the BA course, and he was formerly the link tutor supporting those training for ordination as Baptist ministers. He is also keen on drinking good wine, winter sports and hanging out with his family, preferably all three activities at the same time!
Philippe Ndabananiye
Philippe committed his life wholeheartedly to Christ at 15, was baptised at 17 and has been an active member of his local church, Whetstone Baptist Church, ever since. In the following 15 years, the Lord gave him many opportunities to serve His people locally and overseas in short-term cross-cultural mission trips. In church, he recently devoted a decade to nurturing a post-Alpha small group and working with the associate pastor as a cluster leader for 5 emerging groups of new believers. Philippe served on a discipleship team set up to help encourage and resource the discipleship of the whole church family through the small group network.
Abi Lycett
Abi worked as a Pioneer Evangelist with The Light Collective in Chester where she was involved in planting fresh expressions of church, developing evangelistic projects and working with young people. Before undertaking studies with the Light College herself, Abi was a part of the organisation Youth With a Mission for a number of years, where she was actively involved in discipleship, mission and evangelism in a variety of different countries and contexts.
Gareth Cheesman
Gareth first worked with the Light Project in 2004 as a volunteer Youth Worker, whilst studying Youth Work with Applied Theology with the University of Chester. After university his first job was heading up a network of community youth clubs across Chester supported by The Light Project and local churches. From 2011, Gareth has taught a variety of modules, with a common theme of serving the communities we live in practically. He has a strong passion for critical reflection as a key way for all learners to develop and grow. Since training in youth work, Gareth’s work has specialised on relationships and sex education for young people with the Christian charity www.acet-uk.com, and holds a Masters in Public Health from the University of Chester.
Dr Shirley Lucass
Dr Lucass’ BA in Theology and Religions led to Masters in Jewish Studies and a PhD looking at whether Jesus could be considered to be the Messiah from a Jewish point of view. Shirley published this with Continuum as The concept of Messiah in the Scriptures of Judaism and Christianity. However whilst researching this she came to see how central kingship was as a means of understanding Jesus and his role and wrote her next book entitled Christ the King (The Messiah in the Jewish Festivals).
Jo Dowds
Jo studied her BA (Hons) & MA in Applied Theology at Moorlands, working in church ministry as a children and family co-ordinator, and elder. Within her local church she leads worship and preaches regularly. Jo is a Study Skills Specialist, supporting students 1:1 and facilitating accessible learning environments in both Further and Higher Education settings. Jo was a Tutor at Moorlands and taught Spurgeon’s Foundation Year. Jo is an Associate of the Dyslexia Guild and Higher Education Academy Fellow (AdvanceHE). Jo’s next academic adventure is PhD research in Ethnodoxology and the impact for worship leaders today with the London School of Theology. Enjoying sunshine, sea and the beach, Jo lives with her husband, two boys and their dog on the South coast.
Elizabeth Massey
Elizabeth lives in Frinton-on-Sea, Essex, with her husband, Mark, a Baptist Minister, three teenage children and her little dog! Her working background is in education and she has been fortunate to teach in a variety of settings – schools, colleges, prison and alternative provision. She is currently the youth pastor in her church. At university Elizabeth studied history and, later in life, she acquired an MA in applied theology and preaching. She is just embarking on a PhD looking at the topic of joy. In her spare time Elizabeth loves to read novels, walk on the beach, watch box sets and hang out with her family. She co-leads an online silent prayer group, which is a little oasis in her otherwise busy life!
Amanda Roche
Now a trustee, Amanda achieved a BA in Theology, Mission and Evangelism with the Light College, and is studying an MA in Kingdom Theology with WTC Theology. Part of the preaching team at the recently planted Potteries Vineyard in Stoke-on-Trent, Amanda co-leads a life group with her husband, Stephen. She helps deliver community parenting courses through the charity Kids Matter. An English and Drama secondary teacher for 25 years, she has recently taught in a primary school and is finally realising her gift might be teaching! Definitely not retired, Amanda is enjoying new challenges and opportunities (including lecturing and writing even more essays!). Her passions include hiking, reading, and time spent with her husband, son and cockerpoo, especially in the beautiful Fife countryside.
Rev Jonathan Oatridge
Jonathan is married to Rachel, has two teenage daughters and lives in North Lincolnshire. After a career as a Civil Engineer, Jonathan studied Theology and Church Planting and after ordination led three churches in mission over 16 years, as well as pioneering in his village since 2015. Now fulfilling a portfolio ministry as a Church Consultant he works with churches of all denominations who are seeking to pioneer new expressions of church or renew established forms of church to be more missional. Alongside this Jonathan and Rachel run a coaching company to help people to reach their potential, which includes coaching pioneers and running a weekly co-working event (find out more www.oatridgecoaching.com). Jonathan is the Tutor for the Pioneering module.
Rachel Oatridge
Having been born in Northern Ireland, lived in Scotland and now England, Rachel feels truly “United-Kingdomish” – she just needs to live in Wales!! Rachel loves reading, horse-riding, walking and paddle-boarding; is married to Jonathan; and has two amazing and inspiring daughters. Rachel’s passion is to see people experience true contentment and fulfilment through reaching their potential in every area of their lives. She facilitates this through coaching, encouraging reflection/learning and being a private Occupational Therapist – particularly supporting those who are Neurodiverse. Rachel and Jonathan run Oatridge Coaching (www.oatridgecoaching.com) through which they do coaching, training and church consultancy. Rachel has a Masters degree in Contextual Theology, is currently a pioneer and Mission Enabler for Northern Lincolnshire and is the tutor for Christian Theology.
We’ve had some excellent former lecturers too
Below are a selection of those who have previously taught on our courses
Rev Simon Goddard
Simon was involved in starting an ecumenical fresh expression of church near Cambridge, before serving for 4½ years as a regional minister for the Eastern Baptist Association. Now he is director of RiverTree, through which he offers a portfolio of ministries. This includes being one of the national Pioneer Ambassadors for the Baptist Union of Great Britain, and being part of the Fresh Expressions leadership community. He is team leader for fx resourcing, he project managed the launch of the free Godsend app (equipping people to start fresh expressions of church) and is now responsible for facilitating the resourcing of the fx movement in the UK. He is married to Lisa, and both of them are Third Order Franciscans. He also happens to be the co-author (with Chris Duffett) of the book ‘Big Hearted: the Gospel of Simple Words and a Large Heart’.
Rev Dr Seidel Boanerges
Seidel lectures full-time for Spurgeon’s College and is a guest lecturer with us. He teaches in the areas of Christian mission, evangelism, apologetics, world religions, homiletics and ministerial training. He has a first-class honours degree (BA) in applied theology specialising in evangelism from Moorlands College. He completed his Baptist ministerial training and a Master of Theology (MTh) degree in homiletics with distinction from Spurgeon’s College. Seidel is currently pursuing a professional doctorate in homiletics and apologetics from the University of Chester. Seidel’s reputation as a preacher, teacher and evangelist became established over the last decade as he spoke at many churches, conferences, seminars and university Christian unions. He has a rich experience in mission, evangelism and apologetics in countries such as the UK, USA, India, Romania and Italy. Recently, he was one of the speakers at the International Congress of Preaching in Cambridge. He is married to Linda and loves to play cricket and badminton.
Simon Scott
Simon is teaching Christian Interpretation and use of the Old Testament in Mission. When not at his day job as a builder, he can be found walking (mostly in Wales) with his wife Caron, their youngest son (aged 11) and their Labrador, Callie, or maybe checking the veggie plot. Simon’s current thinking revolves around a Christian response to sustainability for people and planet.
Rev Carolyn Skinner
Carolyn Skinner is the founder and CEO of Third Space Ministries, a charity which seeks to demonstrate the love of God in leisure industries through chaplaincy and team outreach. She is passionate about helping people find faith in Jesus, and equipping Christians for evangelism. She loves to be where people are least likely to expect a ‘God encounter’. She has had experience of working as a chaplain at international sporting events, local gyms, in the music industry, and in strip clubs. She is one of the tutors on the Pioneer Chaplaincy and Mission course.
Carolyn lives in London, and outside of her work can often be found going for a run, drinking coffee with friends, or sitting in the sun with her flip flops on!
Matt Banks
Matt says he is ‘truly thankful for a wonder-filled life’. He is married to Maria and they have four beautiful children. Matt enjoys long walks, the arts, and seeing his kids captivated by a good story. His current academic interests are: Patristic theology, the relationship between cultures and the church, apologetics, and the role of myth in communicating truth, theology and discipleship.
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If you’d like to explore any of the courses further, please contact us using the form on this page – we’d love to hear from you.
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